1. Setting the scene
10 years ago, before Delahunt Studio began working with Diamant, the logo wasn’t shown on the bikes.
Diamant is an established Norwegian bike brand. With over 100 years of history, it is well known in Norway, however, it was known primarily as a value brand.
2. Process
Reorganise product offering and understand manufacturing.
We reorganised and renamed the categories of the 50 model range, covering children’s bikes, e-bikes to mountain bikes.
We spent time to understand the manufacturing, visiting factories around the world.
We took control of the timetable, managing the flow of sampling ready for trade shows.
3. Design forward results
Desirable product, enhanced brand perception and increased sales.
This has been a long-term group effort with the team at Diamant. For our part, the designs evolving with wider sports fashions combined with in-house colour forecasting and developing custom paints with our manufacturers. Diamant has had year on year increase in sales and is the country’s largest bike brand.